Instructor: Evan Ray
Office: Clapp 404C
Office Hours: I have regularly scheduled office hours at the times below. These are times I guarantee I will be in my office and available, but I am also available by appointment at other times; send an email to set up a time to meet.
Evening Group Work: We have scheduled rooms for evening group work on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Clapp 416.
Text Books: We will use two text books, both of which are on reserve at the library. There are also links to free ebook versions below:
“Deep Learning with Python” by Franois Chollet. This book is a great practical guide to working with neural networks in Keras, but it has limited mathematical depth.
“Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. This book has essentially no information about practical implementation of neural networks, but covers the mathematics in depth.
Piazza: We are registered on Piazza at You can ask and answer questions there, anonymously if you want, and everyone in the class will be able to see and contribute to the answers.
Syllabus: pdf
Please use the navigation menu above to go to the schedule, homework assignments, and materials related to quizzes and exams.